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Version: v22



To execute a query against a schema, build a new GraphQL object with the appropriate arguments and then call execute().

The result of a query is an ExecutionResult which is the query data and/or a list of errors.

GraphQLSchema schema = GraphQLSchema.newSchema()

GraphQL graphQL = GraphQL.newGraphQL(schema)

ExecutionInput executionInput = ExecutionInput.newExecutionInput().query("query { hero { name } }")

ExecutionResult executionResult = graphQL.execute(executionInput);

Object data = executionResult.getData();
List<GraphQLError> errors = executionResult.getErrors();

More complex query examples can be found in the StarWars query tests

Data Fetchers

Each graphql field type has a graphql.schema.DataFetcher associated with it. Other graphql implementations often call this type of code resolvers.

Often you can rely on graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcher to examine Java POJO objects to provide field values from them. If your don't specify a data fetcher on a field, this is what will be used.

However you will need to fetch your top level domain objects via your own custom data fetchers. This might involve making a database call or contacting another system over HTTP say.

graphql-java is not opinionated about how you get your domain data objects, that is very much your concern. It is also not opinionated on user authorisation to that data. You should push all that logic into your business logic layer code.

A data fetcher might look like this:

DataFetcher userDataFetcher = new DataFetcher() {
public Object get(DataFetchingEnvironment environment) {
return fetchUserFromDatabase(environment.getArgument("userId"));

Each DataFetcher is passed a graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment object which contains what field is being fetched, what arguments have been supplied to the field and other information such as the field's parent object, the query root object or the query context object.

In the above example, the execution will wait for the data fetcher to return before moving on. You can make execution of the DataFetcher asynchronous by returning a CompletionStage to data, that is explained more further down this page.

Exceptions while fetching data

If an exception happens during the data fetcher call, then the execution strategy by default will make a graphql.ExceptionWhileDataFetching error and add it to the list of errors on the result. Remember graphql allows partial results with errors.

Here is the code for the standard behaviour.

public class SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler implements DataFetcherExceptionHandler {

static final SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler defaultImpl = new SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler();

private DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult handleExceptionImpl(DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters handlerParameters) {
Throwable exception = unwrap(handlerParameters.getException());
SourceLocation sourceLocation = handlerParameters.getSourceLocation();
ResultPath path = handlerParameters.getPath();

ExceptionWhileDataFetching error = new ExceptionWhileDataFetching(path, exception, sourceLocation);
logException(error, exception);

return DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult.newResult().error(error).build();

public CompletableFuture<DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult> handleException(DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters handlerParameters) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(handleExceptionImpl(handlerParameters));

// See class for other methods

If the exception you throw is itself a GraphqlError then it will transfer the message and custom extensions attributes from that exception into the ExceptionWhileDataFetching object. This allows you to place your own custom attributes into the graphql error that is sent back to the caller.

For example imagine your data fetcher threw this exception. The foo and fizz attributes would be included in the resultant graphql error.

class CustomRuntimeException extends RuntimeException implements GraphQLError {
public Map<String, Object> getExtensions() {
Map<String, Object> customAttributes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
customAttributes.put("foo", "bar");
customAttributes.put("fizz", "whizz");
return customAttributes;

public List<SourceLocation> getLocations() {
return null;

public ErrorType getErrorType() {
return ErrorType.DataFetchingException;

You can change this behaviour by creating your own graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandler exception handling code and giving that to the execution strategy.

For example the code above records the underlying exception and stack trace. Some people may prefer not to see that in the output error list. So you can use this mechanism to change that behaviour.

DataFetcherExceptionHandler handler = new DataFetcherExceptionHandler() {
public CompletableFuture<DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult> handleException(DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters handlerParameters) {
// do your custom handling here. The parameters have all you need
ExecutionStrategy executionStrategy = new AsyncExecutionStrategy(handler);

Returning data and errors

It is also possible to return both data and multiple errors in a DataFetcher implementation by returning graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult either directly or wrapped in a CompletableFuture instance for asynchronous execution. This is a useful when your DataFetcher may need to retrieve data from multiple sources or from another GraphQL resource.

In this example, the DataFetcher retrieves a user from another GraphQL resource and returns its data and errors.

DataFetcher userDataFetcher = new DataFetcher() {
public Object get(DataFetchingEnvironment environment) {
Map response = fetchUserFromRemoteGraphQLResource(environment.getArgument("userId"));
List<GraphQLError> errors = response.get("errors").stream()
return new DataFetcherResult(response.get("data"), errors);

Serializing results to JSON

The most common way to call graphql is over HTTP and to expect a JSON response back. So you need to turn an graphql.ExecutionResult into a JSON payload.

A common way to do that is use a JSON serialisation library like Jackson or GSON. However exactly how they interpret the data result is particular to them. For example nulls are important in graphql results and hence you must set up the json mappers to include them.

To ensure you get a JSON result that conforms 100% to the graphql spec, you should call toSpecification on the result and then send that back as JSON.

This will ensure that the result follows the specification outlined in

ExecutionResult executionResult = graphQL.execute(executionInput);

Map<String, Object> toSpecificationResult = executionResult.toSpecification();



A good starting point to learn more about mutating data in graphql is

In essence you need to define a GraphQLObjectType that takes arguments as input. Those arguments are what you can use to mutate your data store via the data fetcher invoked.

The mutation is invoked via a query like :

mutation CreateReviewForEpisode($ep: Episode!, $review: ReviewInput!) {
createReview(episode: $ep, review: $review) {

You need to send in arguments during that mutation operation, in this case for the variables for $ep and $review

You would create types like this to handle this mutation :

GraphQLInputObjectType episodeType = newInputObject()

GraphQLInputObjectType reviewInputType = newInputObject()

GraphQLObjectType reviewType = newObject()

GraphQLObjectType createReviewForEpisodeMutation = newObject()

GraphQLCodeRegistry codeRegistry = newCodeRegistry()
coordinates("CreateReviewForEpisodeMutation", "createReview"),

GraphQLSchema schema = GraphQLSchema.newSchema()

Notice that the input arguments are of type GraphQLInputObjectType. This is important. Input arguments can ONLY be of that type and you cannot use output types such as GraphQLObjectType. Scalars types are considered both input and output types.

The data fetcher here is responsible for executing the mutation and returning some sensible output values.

private DataFetcher mutationDataFetcher() {
return new DataFetcher() {
public Review get(DataFetchingEnvironment environment) {
// The graphql specification dictates that input object arguments MUST
// be maps. You can convert them to POJOs inside the data fetcher if that
// suits your code better
// See
Map<String, Object> episodeInputMap = environment.getArgument("episode");
Map<String, Object> reviewInputMap = environment.getArgument("review");

// in this case we have type safe Java objects to call our backing code with
EpisodeInput episodeInput = EpisodeInput.fromMap(episodeInputMap);
ReviewInput reviewInput = ReviewInput.fromMap(reviewInputMap);

// make a call to your store to mutate your database
Review updatedReview = reviewStore().update(episodeInput, reviewInput);

// this returns a new view of the data
return updatedReview;

Notice how it calls a data store to mutate the backing database and then returns a Review object that can be used as the output values to the caller.

Asynchronous Execution

graphql-java uses fully asynchronous execution techniques when it executes queries. You can get the CompletableFuture to results by calling executeAsync() like this

GraphQL graphQL = buildSchema();

ExecutionInput executionInput = ExecutionInput.newExecutionInput().query("query { hero { name } }")

CompletableFuture<ExecutionResult> promise = graphQL.executeAsync(executionInput);

promise.thenAccept(executionResult -> {
// here you might send back the results as JSON over HTTP


The use of CompletableFuture allows you to compose actions and functions that will be applied when the execution completes. The final call to .join() waits for the execution to happen.

In fact under the covers, the graphql-java engine uses asynchronous execution and makes the .execute() method appear synchronous by calling join for you. So the following code is in fact the same.

ExecutionResult executionResult = graphQL.execute(executionInput);

// the above is equivalent to the following code (in long hand)

CompletableFuture<ExecutionResult> promise = graphQL.executeAsync(executionInput);
ExecutionResult executionResult2 = promise.join();

If a graphql.schema.DataFetcher returns a CompletableFuture<T> object then this will be composed into the overall asynchronous query execution. This means you can fire off a number of field fetching requests in parallel. Exactly what threading strategy you use is up to your data fetcher code.

The following code uses the standard Java java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.commonPool() thread executor to supply values in another thread.

DataFetcher userDataFetcher = new DataFetcher() {
public Object get(DataFetchingEnvironment environment) {
CompletableFuture<User> userPromise = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
return fetchUserViaHttp(environment.getArgument("userId"));
return userPromise;

The code above is written in long form. With Java 8 lambdas it can be written more succinctly as follows

DataFetcher userDataFetcher = environment -> CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
() -> fetchUserViaHttp(environment.getArgument("userId")));

The graphql-java engine ensures that all the CompletableFuture objects are composed together to provide an execution result that follows the graphql specification.

There is a helpful shortcut in graphql-java to create asynchronous data fetchers. Use graphql.schema.AsyncDataFetcher.async(DataFetcher<T>) to wrap a DataFetcher. This can be used with static imports to produce more readable code.

DataFetcher userDataFetcher = async(environment -> fetchUserViaHttp(environment.getArgument("userId")));

Execution Strategies

A class derived from graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy is used to run a query or mutation. A number of different strategies are provided with graphql-java and if you are really keen you can even write your own.

You can wire in what execution strategy to use when you create the GraphQL object.

.queryExecutionStrategy(new AsyncExecutionStrategy())
.mutationExecutionStrategy(new AsyncSerialExecutionStrategy())

In fact the code above is equivalent to the default settings and is a very sensible choice of execution strategies for most cases.


By default the "query" execution strategy is graphql.execution.AsyncExecutionStrategy which will dispatch each field as CompletableFuture objects and not care which ones complete first. This strategy allows for the most performant execution.

The data fetchers invoked can themselves return CompletionStage values and this will create fully asynchronous behaviour.

So imagine a query as follows

query {
hero {
enemies {
friends {

The AsyncExecutionStrategy is free to dispatch the enemies field at the same time as the friends field. It does not have to do enemies first followed by friends, which would be less efficient.

It will however assemble the results in order. The query result will follow the graphql specification and return object values assembled in query field order. Only the execution of data fetching is free to be in any order.

This behaviour is allowed in the graphql specification and in fact is actively encouraged for read only queries.

See specification <>_ for details.


The graphql specification says that mutations MUST be executed serially and in the order in which the query fields occur.

So graphql.execution.AsyncSerialExecutionStrategy is used by default for mutations and will ensure that each field is completed before it processes the next one and so forth. You can still return CompletionStage objects in the mutation data fetchers, however they will be executed serially and will be completed before the next mutation field data fetcher is dispatched.


Graphql subscriptions allows you to create stateful subscriptions to graphql data. You uses SubscriptionExecutionStrategy as your execution strategy as it has the support for the reactive-streams APIs.

See for more information on the reactive Publisher and Subscriber interfaces.

Also see the page on subscriptions for more details on how to write a subscription based graphql service.

Query Caching

Before the graphql-java engine executes a query it must be parsed and validated, and this process can be somewhat time consuming.

To avoid the need for re-parse/validate the GraphQL.Builder allows an instance of PreparsedDocumentProvider to reuse Document instances.

Please note that this does not cache the result of the query, only the parsed Document.

Cache<String, PreparsedDocumentEntry> cache = Caffeine.newBuilder().maximumSize(10_000).build(); (1)

PreparsedDocumentProvider preparsedCache = new PreparsedDocumentProvider() {
public PreparsedDocumentEntry getDocument(ExecutionInput executionInput, Function<ExecutionInput, PreparsedDocumentEntry> computeFunction) {
Function<String, PreparsedDocumentEntry> mapCompute = key -> computeFunction.apply(executionInput);
return cache.get(executionInput.getQuery(), mapCompute);

GraphQL graphQL = GraphQL.newGraphQL(StarWarsSchema.starWarsSchema)
.preparsedDocumentProvider(preparsedCache) (2)
  1. Create an instance of preferred cache instance, here is Caffeine <>_ used as it is a high quality caching solution. The cache instance should be thread safe and shared.
  2. The PreparsedDocumentProvider is a functional interface with only a getDocument method This is called to get a cached pre-parsed query and if its not present, then the computeFunction can be called to parse and validate the query.

In order to achieve high cache hit ratio it is recommended that field arguments are passed in as variables instead of directly in the query.

The following query:

query HelloTo {
sayHello(to: "Me") {

Should be rewritten as:

query HelloTo($to: String!) {
sayHello(to: $to) {

with variables:

"to": "Me"

The query is now reused regardless of variable values provided.